Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Use of Polylactic Acid, BioDerived Polyethylene, and Fossil-Derived Polyethylene
Circular Economy: Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Fossil Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) and its Recycled and Bio-Based Counterparts
A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Alternative Polymers to Poly(vinyl chloride) for Use in Flooring Applications
Analysis of processing and environmental impact of polymer compounds reinforced with banana fiber in an injection molding process
Development and comparative lifecycle assessment of various LDPE and HDPE production processes based on CO2 capture and utilization
Climate and biodiversity impacts of low-density polyethylene production from CO2 and electricity in comparison to bio-based polyethylene
Environmental performance of the technology of production of bimodal polyethylene (HDPE) with the application of LCA techniques